The Pickleball Serve

January 18, 2021 4 Comments


  • Don’t rush it is your turn to serve in Pickleball. 
  • Take a deep breath. 
  • You have 10 seconds to serve.
  • Look at the area where you’re going to serve the ball. 
  • Tap the center of the paddle with the ball or bounce the ball on the ground with the paddle, once or twice to focus on the center of the paddle. 
  • The tighter you hold the paddle and the faster you swing, the further and faster the ball will travel. 
  • Don’t grip the paddle as hard as you can, that can cause elbow issues. 
  • Hold the ball out in front of you, at arm’s length, between your waist and knee. 
  • Keep your eye on the ball, try not to look up until you finish hitting the ball. 
  • Transfer your weight to the back foot as you bring your paddle back; and as your arm comes forward to hit the ball, transfer your weight to the front foot. 
  • When you make contact with the ball follow through to finish your stroke. 
  • Remember, contact with the ball should be made below the waist, and the paddle should be moving from low to high. 
  • Make sure the paddle face is facing the net.

Pickleball lessons with Coach Jerry

4 thoughts on “The Pickleball Serve”

  1. Nice idea to make contact w/ each participant via email. Makes it a bit more personal. And I really appreciate the review, both in video & the written pointers- they help to reinforce the points you made.
    Please keep up these reviews!

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